Trip planning

Buses in Italy: features, timetables and tickets

Buses in Italy, as in other European countries, are a very common form of transport, which both Italians and numerous tourists enjoy using. The main advantages of Italy's bus service are its low fare, as well as an extensive network of routes. Disadvantages of this type of transport in Italy are also there, but we will talk about them a little lower.
Trip planning

Sicily Inspiring Hotels: TOP 5 BlogoItaliano

Sicily has long served as a source of inspiration for hundreds and thousands of creators who want to penetrate the ancient history of the island and get acquainted with its intriguing customs. Ordinary travelers did not remain indifferent to the beauties of these places and centuries-old traditions. Today BlogoItaliano presents Sicily hotels for true fans of a relaxing holiday and unique architectural and natural attractions that cannot but inspire.

Fountain of the Four Rivers in Navona Square

The Fountain of the Four Rivers is magnificent. This is a brutal composition of allegories of parts of the world with elements of the animal and plant world. But the “Egyptian” obelisk is not at all Egyptian, but a local fake ... The fountain must be visited not only at the confluence of tourists, but also early in the morning. Many legends are associated with it.

Graphene-based self-cleaning windows invented in Italy

In the course of research at two Italian universities, Sassari and Cagliari, an innovative “chemical exfoliation” technology was developed that allows the windows to “self-clean” using only sunlight. The new development is another way to use the material, for the study of which in 2010, scientists have already received the Nobel Prize.
Cities of Italy

Rome in February

Most tourists consider the last month of winter not the best time to get to know the Eternal City - they are afraid of the unpredictable weather characteristic of Rome in February. But those who were not afraid of the changeable weather in Rome in February, and visited the Italian capital in the offseason, confidently say that this time is much better for sightseeing and walking around the city than a hot summer.
Trip planning

New Year in Rome, Venice and other cities of Italy

New Year's Eve in Italy is a great idea for a family holiday or for a romantic trip. The Italians are no less, and maybe even a little more, than the Russians, love all kinds of holidays and celebrate them merrily and on a grand scale, so you definitely will not be bored during the New Year holidays.

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After visiting Siena, the special color of its facades and roofs, the color of Tuscan lands, is remembered. The city has preserved the spirit and atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Sienans carefully preserve the Gothic appearance of their city, created back in the XII-XV centuries. Siena Siena is an ancient city on three hills with a historic center, walled, with a magnificent Cathedral - the Siena Duomo.
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Editor'S Choice

Michelangelo's David in gun advertising: Italians are furious | 2019

Michelangelo's David in gun advertising: Italians are furious

The American arms company for its advertising campaign chose the figure of David Michelangelo. Florence’s authorities plan to sue the “sacrilegious" "The advertising image of armed David is offensive, whiter than that, he violates the law. We will take measures to force the American agency to cancel their advertising campaign as soon as possible," the Minister of Culture wrote on his Twitter account Tourism of Italy Dario Franceschini.
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Caprese salad of tomatoes, mozzarella and basil | 2019
Italian food

Caprese salad of tomatoes, mozzarella and basil

As there is no smoke without fire, it is impossible to imagine a festive table without a salad. Just a couple of decades ago, most domestic banquets were decorated only with olivier and "herring under a fur coat". Now the situation has changed radically. Both restaurant chefs and housewives try to surprise guests with a variety of recipes.
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The main attractions of Venice | 2019

The main attractions of Venice

Today, tourism is the dominant source of income for Venice. More than 15 million tourists come here every year at least for the sake of sights. Many buildings are architectural monuments by status, so tourists have something to see in Venice and what are the main attractions every traveler must see?
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Restaurant in Sicily: La Piazzetta (Trapani) | 2019
Restaurants in Sicily

Restaurant in Sicily: La Piazzetta (Trapani)

Restaurant La Piazzetta was recommended to us for a visit to Mario and Antonella, in whose villa we stayed in Sicily. The restaurant is located 7 kilometers from the center of Trapani, but a 10-minute walk from the villa. There is no problem for the Italian to drive 10-15 km for a good restaurant, and some of my friends from Bologna have dinner 40 times from their home several times a week and do not see anything strange in this.
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Pirelli - brand history and interesting facts | 2019

Pirelli - brand history and interesting facts

Italy is an amazing place in which per square meter has a lot of interesting sights, beautiful views, architectural masterpieces. The country is known all over the world thanks to such "stainless" values ​​as excellent cuisine, excellent wine, sunny weather, and the burning character of local residents.
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Biopark in Rome | 2019

Biopark in Rome

The territory of the Biopark is large, but there are few animals, and the park needs repairs. Plants in the zoo create animal comfort and it’s not hot to walk. About 2 hours, without rushing, you can get around everything. Bioparco di Roma, Rome, photo Fabio-Pierboni Roman Zoo - Bioparco di Roma, located in the northern part of the famous Villa Borghese.
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Cafe in the Old Town | 2019

Cafe in the Old Town

Ice cream, coffee, Kölsch - you can eat in any cafe in the Old Town. Cafes in the Old Town Most of the Old Town's pubs serve not only beer, but also other drinks and hot dishes throughout the day. So your choice is almost unlimited. Cafe Boll Cafe is located on the ground floor of the Wallraf-Richartz Museum.
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Outlets in Italy
Trip planning

Outlets in Italy

For many people, Italy is synonymous with the word fashion. Therefore, it is very logical to plan a little shopping for the duration of your trip. However, given the high exchange rate of the euro and, often, far from sparing prices in the stores of famous Italian designers, you rarely manage to return home hung up with purchases, unless, of course, you travel with a solid budget.
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Square of Miracles, or Where is the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Cities of Italy

Square of Miracles, or Where is the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Pisa is a mystery city. Historians still argue about its origin, art historians are trying to open the veil over the secrets of erecting world-famous architectural monuments. But so far, Miracle Square, where the Leaning Tower of Pisa is located, does not reveal all its secrets. One thing is obvious: it was from this architectural ensemble, entered back in 1987 on the UNESCO World Heritage List, that the Italian Renaissance began.
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Rome Markets

Rome Markets

Walking along the streets of Rome, I want to bring along a piece of the beautiful ancient city, a memory that will remind you of busy days of vacation. I would like to find a souvenir or thing with its own history, or a unique delicacy, and here the markets of Rome will come to your aid: grocery and flea markets, shopping arcades.
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Sights of Genoa: how to save and visit all
Cities of Italy

Sights of Genoa: how to save and visit all

The magnificent Genoa, or as the Italians call it Genova la Superba, is one of the largest ports in Europe, a city of shipbuilding and heavy industry, the birthplace of Christopher Columbus and Nicolo Paganini, as well as a popular tourist center, declared in 2004 by the European Capital of Culture. There are many interesting sights in Genoa - the old port, medieval palaces, houses of famous personalities, as well as museums, the number of which the city can be proud of.
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The best beaches of Sicily. Part II
Trip planning

The best beaches of Sicily. Part II

During the first part of the post, BlogoItaliano continues his journey through the largest island of Italy, trying to find the most worthy beaches. And Sicily is famous for them, like no other direction in Italy. It is not in vain that in our improvised ranking of the best beaches in Italy, the first three places occupied the coast from the homeland of the Mafia.
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Carnival and Kölsch

Carnival and Kölsch

The Germans associate Cologne with a fun carnival. In the days of the holiday, the Middle Ages seem to come to life: in fancy dress a la the Middle Ages, cheerful processions, games and fun in the old spirit take place on the wide streets of the city. The roots of the carnival go back to the distant past of the city, as well as the recipe for traditional Cologne beer, brewed by local brewers for centuries.
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